In the past year, God has really been showing up in incredible ways, but there has been one specific lesson that has been repeated over and over in my life recently that I feel is very important to share. Lately, I have had stress about different things: trying to mesh a blended family, school, being content with my career choice, my mission trip, maintaining relationships, and just trying to grow in my relationship with God. In each scenario, as I look to the Lord for an answer, I have felt an overwhelming sense of a calming presence over me.
My personality is one where I like to plan things and to always have an answer, but I have been feeling God teaching me to lean on Him and remember that he already has it planned out. For me, this is life changing, but as I have been trying, it has been very rewarding! One specific example is the stress I was dealing with to raise the money I needed for my mission trip to the Dominican Republic. I sent out support letters and prayed that I would be able to raise just half of the money.
God more than provided and I am happy to say that I received double the amount of the entire trip’s cost! What a blessing! I was able to pay for my way, but also give money to the ministry! God showed me that He has it all in control and that when I trust Him, the rewards are great!
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