This year the Lord has truly taken care of me. At the end of the semester last year the Lord laid it on my heart that I may need to take some time off from school to navigate my life and my finances. This terrified me and I did all I could to avoid it. I made the realization that a part of my identity was rooted in school. It has been a constant in my life since I was in kindergarten and the thought of life without it was a bit terrifying. The Lord spoke very clearly to me one evening when surrounded by close friends that taking a year off was what I was supposed to do. So, I did. The transition was hard and gaining back some of my peace wasn’t easy, but the Lord provided. This year has been better than I ever dreamed possible.
Due to the fact I was not in school I have been able to discover more about who I am. I have been blessed with a job working with kids. I got engaged to the greatest man alive whom I get to marry in June. And finally, I am beginning to gain back some of my peace with God. If I would not have trusted the Lord with my future, something incredibly important to me, I would not have been clear minded enough to embrace the beauty of these amazing things I was blessed with. The Lord showed up, revealed His Will, and followed through. God is good.