My journey with God probably isn’t what a lot of people think it is. I grew up in a family, where the existence of God was something that was never questioned, but it was never really talked about either. My family only went to church on major holidays, and I was never involved in the youth groups offered. I never had a personal relationship with Jesus, but hearing about all the exciting and fun things that the kids would talk about upon returning from retreats, would make me wish I could experience them too. But, I just always felt like I couldn’t join in because “I didn’t know anyone”, or “I didn’t know the Bible, so I would just look stupid”, or “they already have their friends, and everyone will just look at me and wonder WHY is she here?”
Coming to college, I knew I wanted to get involved with the religious life, but I didn’t know how. My group of friends didn’t want to get involved, and I didn’t want to show up at these events by MYSELF! So, again, I let those scary questions get in the way of what I really felt like I was being drawn to. I let this go on until 2nd semester of my sophomore year. It was then that I decided, “You know what I’m doing it!”
I took a step in faith and signed up for the winter retreat, without knowing who was signed up! It turned out to be the most rewarding experience of my life; I met some really amazing people, and found my relationship with God! I let my own insecurities get in the way of the best relationship I could ever ask for, and I didn’t even know it! I know that there are others who feel like me, and I am here to tell you, that if you take that first step, God will be with you every step of the way! (Matthew 14:22-33)